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Top 150 Chinese Vocabulary Words

Some of my top 150 Chinese Vocabulary Words!

If you’re reading this blog post, that means you’ve begun learning Mandarin and you want to increase your vocabulary. Congratulations! Maybe you’ve started with Duolingo or Rosetta Stone, or have enrolled in classes at a community college. No matter what program you're doing, I'm going to assume you have a firm grasp on the basics, and you're ready to go to the next level.

If you’re here, you’ve probably exhausted your initial steps in learning the language and are looking to increase your vocabulary. Rightfully so; my viewpoint is that vocabulary is the most important component of learning a new language, because even if you don't know any grammar, vocabulary will enable you to communicate. The main problem with increasing vocabulary is knowing where to start. Well, you've found the right page. Here are my top 150 Chinese vocabulary words that will get you set on the path of fluency.

There are lots of free resources for learning Chinese, and if you need more of them, just go to the end of my last blog post. There I've put links to dictionaries, writing aids, and test prep resources.

Most of the resources you look up for the top 150 Chinese vocabulary words are going to you a list of "Most Frequently Used Words." Unfortunately, these kinds of lists aren't very helpful. They're based on Google metrics, which means lots of useless or too-basic words float to the top of the list, simply because they’re used the most in the documents crawled by Google bots. The list of words below is my personal list, based on my four years in Taiwan. Will it cover every single word you need to know? Absolutely not. This is a starting point to give your study structure and focus.

Because I learned Mandarin from the Taiwanese, my list is in traditional characters, the vocabulary is based on what is most frequently used on the island. Naturally, my list and other people's lists are going to be different, so keep in mind that this is just one man's idea of the top 150 Chinese vocabulary words.

The best way to memorize these is to write them out, by hand, and to make sentences with them. Limit yourself to absorbing ten words a day, maximum.

For handwriting, you should learn basic stroke order. There's a fantastic dictionary on Yellow Bridge that will show you the proper stroke pattern for each word, in an animated gif. After you write the word, make a sentence including the word, and read the sentence out loud to a native speaker. They can correct you.

This word/sentence/read aloud method, which I will outline in more detail at some point, is how I was navigating around China using Mandarin, conversing with locals in Chinese in only eight months.

You don't even have to learn these words in order! Skip around if you feel like it. Print this page out, and cross out words as you go down the list. Seeing your progress as you go helps you by leaps and bounds.

For some of the harder-to-explain words, I've made a little note. Everything else should be straightforward.

Let me know how it works out for you!


1. 人家 - people

2. 孩子 háizi - kid

3. 男生 nánshēng - guy

4. 女生 nüshēng - girl/woman

5. 總統 zǒngtǒng - president

6. 家人 jiārén - family

7. 阿公 āgōng - paternal grandfather

8. 阿嬤 āmā - paternal grandmother

9. 明星 míngxīng - celebrity


10. 是 shì - is/am/are/was/were

11. 不是 búshì - isn’t/aren’t/weren’t/wasn’t

12. 有 yǒu - have

13. 沒有 méiyǒu - don’t have / there isn’t any

14. 哪是?! nǎshì?! - how is that true?

15. 哪裡有 nǎlǐyǒu - where is…?

16. 真的 zhēnde - really

17. 不一定 bùyīdìng - maybe

18. 一定要 yīdìngyào - really need to

19. 需要 xūyào - must

20. 什麼東西? shénmedōngxī? - what?

21. 多少? duōshǎo - how much?

22. 多大? duōdà - how big?

23. 對 duì - correct/right/yes

24. 對不對? duìbúduì? - right?

25. 沒錯 méicuò - yes (you’re not wrong)

26. 其實 qíshí - actually

27. 而且 érqié - furthermore

28. 還有 háiyǒu - and lastly/there’s still some

used like the "and" at the end of a list. 牛奶、麵包、還有餅乾 = milk, bread, and cookies

29. 還是 háishì - or, in a choice. 你要茶還是咖啡? Do you want tea or coffee?

30. 或是 huòshì - or, in a sentence.

人家可以喝茶或是咖啡. People can drink tea or coffee.

31. 而已 éryǐ - only.

This word is placed at the end of a sentence. 我喝了咖啡而已. I only drank coffee.

32. 的話 dehuà - hypothetically

You put this word at the end of a sentence to indicate that you're talking about a hypothetical situation. 如果我去你家的話,你會煮飯嗎?If we go to your house, will you cook?

33. 已經 yǐjīng - already

34. 只有 zhǐyǒu - there's only

The difference between this and 而已 is that 只有 goes at the beginning of the sentence. You can put 只有 at the beginning of a sentence, and 而已 at the end of the sentence. 我們只有咖啡而已. We only have coffee.

35. 一起 yīqǐ - together


36. 聽 tīng - listen

37. 看 kàn - see/watch

38. 吃飯 chīfàn - eat

39. 出去玩 chūqùwán - go out

40. 學 xué - copy

41. 給 gěi - give

42. 看書 kànshū - read a book

43. 傳 chuán - send (in a message)

那個照片傳給我. Send me that photo.

44. 畫畫 huàhuà - draw

45. 運動 yùndòng - exercise / play sports

46. 跑步 pǎobù - run

47. 游泳 yǒuyǒng - swim

48. 睡覺 shuìjiào - sleep

49. 睡不著 shuìbùzhǎo - have insomnia

50. 起來 qǐlái - get up (from sleeping)

51. 不見了 bújiànle -disappear

52. 重來 chónglái - start over

53. 過去 guòqù - go over there

54. 過來 guòlái - come over here

55. 教英文 jiàoyīngwén - teach English

56. 學中文 xuézhōngwén - learn Chinese


57. 台灣 táiwān - Taiwan

58. 大陸 dàlù - Mainland China

59. 台語 táiyǔ - Taiwanese Hokkien

60. 外國人 wàiguórén - foreigner

61. 認識 rènshì - know (a person)

62. 朋友 péngyou - friend

63. 小姐 xiǎojiě - Miss (used to address young women you don't know)

64. 帥哥 shuàigē - Dude (used to address young men you don't know)


65. 巷子 xiàngzi - little side street

66. 路口 lùkǒu - intersection

67. 廁所 cèsuǒ - bathroom

68. 房子 fángzi - house

69. 套房 tàofáng - studio apartment

70. 方便 fángbiàn - convenient

71. 海邊 hǎibiān - beach

72. 公園 gōngyuán - park

73. 市區 shìqū - downtown

74. 市場 shìcháng - market


75. 買東西 mǎidōngxī - buy stuff/go shopping

76. 騎車 qíchē - drive a motorcycle

77. 開車 kāichē - drive a car

78. 機車 jīchē - motorcycle

79. 手機 shǒujī - cell phone

80. 捷運 jiéyùn - subway/metro

81. 計程車 jìchéngchē - taxi

82. 搭車dāchē - take a taxi

83. 垃圾 lèsè - trash

84. 打開 dǎkāi - open

85. 關掉 guāndiào - close

86. 開門 kāimén - open the door

87. 關門 guānmén - close the door

88. 鎖門 suǒmén - lock the door

89. 大門 dàmén - front door (usually metal)


90. 動物 dòngwù - animal

91. 植物 zhíwù - plant

92. 樹 shù - tree

93. 水 shuǐ - water

94. 木頭 mùtóu - wooden

95. 鐵 tiē - metal


96. 外帶 wàidài - takeout

97. 碗 wǎn - bowl

98. 杯子 bēizi - cup

99. 盤子 pánzi - plate

100 .筷子 kuàizi - chopsticks

101. 湯匙 tāngchí - spoon

102. 椅子 yǐzi - chair

103. 桌子 zhuōzi - table

104. 廚房 chúfáng - kitchen

105. 豬肉 zhūròu - pork

106. 湯 tāng - soup

107. 白飯 báifàn - white rice

108. 麵 miàn - noodles


109. 剛剛 gānggāng - just now

110. 什麼時候 shénmeshíhòu - when?

111. 多久 duōjiǔ - how long?

112. 上個 shànggè - previous

上個禮拜 last week

113. 下個 xiàge - next

下個月 next month

114. 禮拜 líbài -week

115. 月 yuè - month

116. 年 nián - year


116. 大 dà - big

117. 簡單 jiǎndān - easy

118. 太難了 tàinánle - too hard

119. 超 chāo - super

120. 滿 mǎn - pretty/very

121. 有點 yǒudiǎn - a little too

這個飯有點軟. The rice is a little too mushy.

122. 慢慢 mànmàn - slowly

123. 快 kuài - soon

我們快到了 We're almost there

124. 差點 chādiǎn - almost (but didn’t)

我差點遲到!I was almost late!

125. 突然 tūrán - suddenly

126. 結婚了 jiéhùnle - married

127. 單身 dānshēn - single


128. 痛 tòng - hurt

129. 舒服 shūfu - feel good

130. 生病了 shēngbìngle - get sick

131. 健康 jiànkàng - healthy

132. 醫生 yīshēng - doctor

133. 醫院 yīyuàn - hospital


134. 學校 xuéxiào - school

135. 大學 dàxué - college/university

136. 補習班 bùxíbān - after-school program

137. 功課 gòngkè - homework/classwork

138. 上課 shàngkè - start class

139. 下課 xiàkè - get out of class

140. 教室 jiàoshì - classroom

141. 老師 lǎoshī - teacher


142. 工作 gōngzuò - work

143. 上班 shàngbān - go to work

144. 下班 xiàbān - get off work

145. 休息 xiūxi - rest/take a break

146. 連假 liánjià - long weekend

147. 假日 jiàrì - weekend/day off

148. 度假 dújià - go on vacation

149. 老闆 lǎobǎn - boss

150. 老闆娘 lǎobǎnniáng - boss lady

Because I promised the top 150 Chinese vocabulary words, I had to stop my list here. This is just the beginning. I used almost all of these words at least once a week.

If you’re looking to increase your vocabulary, print out this list, and one by one hand-write a sentence for each of the words. Cross out the words when you feel you've learned them. Read the sentences you make out loud to a native speaker (You can set up a language exchange) and have them correct you.

Do you think I accurately covered the top 150 Chinese vocabulary words? If I missed any, or if you’d like the next 150 words, let me know in the comments! Good luck with your studying!

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